1 whole roasting chicken
1 can beer
Olive Oil
Remove the giblets and neck, wash the chicken and pat it dry. Rub olive oil all over chicken and season with salt, pepper, and rosemary or other rotissary spices.
Open beer can, and place chicken on top of can. Beer can should be inserted in cavity of chicken. (Be careful, chicken is slippery.) The can, along with the chicken legs should hold the chicken vertical.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place chicken in a baking dish and put in oven. Bake for 80 min. or until chicken is done. Skin with be crunchy, but meat will be very moist from beer.
Note: When I cooked this, my chicken fell over during last few minutes of cooking because the chicken was so tender, the legs couldn't hold it up anymore. Luckily, my baking dish was big enough that no mess was made. Beer did spill inside the chicken, but it was still very good.